Continuing work on The Wild Sky Over Little Bay Commission
/ scott jacksonJust a couple of short galleries on the the process of creating ....studies for this painting...

Paint and source paintings

a few black and white reference photos for composition and layout

A few rough sketches and reference photos

roughs on a triptych layout....

Some more reference photos ....with water or without ?

a bit of playing around with sketch work on the black and whites...

small study on colour matching a wild sky and magenta horizon line on ocean

does the composition work ??.....look at study from different angles ...

Process shot of wild sky on rectangle

Process shot on wild sky ....more flinders purple in sky !

Study for sky and sea ...with amgnta horizon line

Study for wild sky over Little Bay ...with exposed rock plus sand and sea

Sky, Horizon and Sea

Sky, horizon and Sea

getting there 1.....

Wild Sky over a toned gesso..
I like this one !..
Different Shape...rectangular..
..will wait for paint to dry before working on cliffs and central rock..