Studio Photos
Work Benches in the Studio
Oil Paint Palette
A Studio visitor
more palettes and brushes
Getting ready for another exhibition
Colour charts and drying racks for small paintings
Painting image record book (with red sold dots !!)
large 60cm x 180cm oil drying in The Studio
Exhibition Photos
Macleay Valley Community Art Gallery, Gladstone
January 2013 Exhibition
Macleay Valley Community Art Gallery, Gladstone
Front room
Macleay Valley Community Art Gallery, from the Entrance doors
Macleay Valley Community Art Gallery, looking to the front doors
Macleay Valley Community Art Gallery, front room , north wall
Framed Prints
Macleay Valley Community Art Gallery. back room south wall
Dovetail Gallery Exhibition, 2008, Port Macquarie
Sea Acres Rainforest Centre Exhibition, Port Macquarie