Triptych final 1
getting down the sketch and first whites

Horizon line
Working the colours to white :Sapphire sea and cobalt blue sky

workbench, palette and painting edge

Wild Sky on the way...
working up the cobalt and purples ...looking good !!

Wild Sky ..
working the reds and whites....

On the Edge
Wild Sky ..up close ..and on edge !

Heading down the beach...
adding in the beach and wash...naples yellows, whites, yellow ochre and a touch of sienna ......

Rock and cliffs
looking good now .. working up the rock...ocrhes, umbers, sienna and Oz red gold...

Rock 2

Almost done ...
set to dry and settle...

another view...

another view 2

another view 3

Yep ..I like it !!!
looks like a keeper !!!........will let it dry for a few days.....and not look at it ..then come back an check it out with new eyes and see if its ok ... still need signatures and varnishes.... then fitting , hanging , photos etc ... then it can be set free !!!